President’s Message
Dear Newcomer Friends,
Happy late winter/early spring. We have had a lot of action these past two months. It finally rained and we have seen some kind of weather changes. As usual, in Southern California, the trees don’t know whether to shed their leaves or grow.
This is the time of year when time almost seems to stand still and almost everyone complains that they are tired all the time. The days are short. The nights are long and it feels freezing to us natives. I always say that I wouldn’t last five minutes in Wisconsin or Chicago. And then finally things turn and we start moving towards the spring equinox where the days are equal. Every day it gets a little “lighter later,” and we begin to feel hopeful that spring is coming soon.
When spring comes, I get a huge burst of energy. I noticed this for the first time when I was a teenager and it really hasn’t changed almost sixty years later. I want to wake up earlier, stay up later, do so many things, go so many places and learn all kinds of new things. The only thing that has changed so much is that every year goes faster and faster and time is now passing at lightning speed. I believe that we need to remind ourselves that every day is precious and that we need to savor every minute of every hour of every day.
So, in the spirit of these times came some new ideas. I wondered why we didn’t have a walking group since those are so popular. Walking is so good for us (actually essential) and doing things in groups helps to make it easier and gives us a sense of accountability. The best part is that doing things together is so much more fun. So, we are starting a walking group next month.
Then Evelyn Molina said that we should have a healthy eating activity and we are trying to figure out how to make that something. If you have any ideas, please feel free to let me know. That then led to so many thoughts about “aging well,” and how so many things are relevant to us as we have transitioned to this phase in our life. Some of us have gone from young woman to mother, to grandmother and even great grandmother. Most of us enjoy our senior discounts and I don’t mind at all when someone gives me their seat on public transportation.
As a whole, we are living longer than ever before and the quality of our lives for the most part continues to improve. We are all different ages but one thing we all have in common is that every day we continue to get older and I want us to have as much fun as we can have.
So, let’s keep re-inventing ourselves and continue to grow and evolve into the fabulous women that we are.
Lots of Love,