President’s Message

Happy July Newcomer Friends,

Hope all is going well for you and that you are all enjoying good health.

So, at first we are excited at the long, light hours of daylight and we feel energized and ready for some summer fun and activities. But summer hit with a big bang this year and some days I feel like we are living on the sun!!

When I attempt to walk my French Bulldogs in the middle of the day, they look at me and say….. “seriously??” So even though it is only the middle of July, the romance of summer begins to wear very thin when you have day to day of extreme heat. I don’t know about you guys but I do not have the stamina I used to and it seems like the heat wears me down and out way more than it did in the “olden days.”

So, I began to think of things which could make it more fun and more enjoyable and I compiled a small list which I will share with you.

Things to do in the summer heat:

1. Go to a movie
2. Give yourself a facial
3. Do a crossword puzzle
4. Do a jig saw puzzle
5. Eat a snow cone
6. Read a book
7. Read a magazine
8. Binge a Netflix show
9. Take a nap – why didn’t I appreciate this one as a child???
10. Daydream about a tropical vacation
11. Clean out your closet
12. Do a jigsaw puzzle
13. Plan a future activity
14. Make a frozen dessert
15. Give yourself a manicure with bright, summery polish

Whatever you pick—-stay cool and have a wonderful summer!!!

Your friend,
